M.O.F Luc Debove’s Pistachio Mirror Glaze
About this recipe
This is a mirror glaze for entremets, with a nice shiny glaze effect and a delicious pistachio taste !
A glazing that I used for the recipe if the Happy New Year Cake, HERE

Source of the recipe
A recipe that I found in the French pastry magazine "Journal du Pâtissier (French & English)", Number 452

The recipe is on page 57
A glazing from top French Chef, MOF Luc Debove

The Gelatine Mass
1. Start by the "gelatine mass". Pour the Water (2 Tablespoons or 34 g) in a mixing bowl
2. Sprinkle in 3 times the Powdered Gelatin (1 teaspoon or 6 g)
3. Wait til the gelatine is totally melted in the water
4. You may use gelatine leaves instead of the powder
Unflavored Gelatine
Gelatin Sheets
You may find pistachio paste in specialized stores, but the best way to enjoy your own pastries is to make the paste yourself
I am showing you a few recipes HERE
Pistachio Paste Fiddyment Farms
Pistachio Butter
5. In a large bowl, place the melted gelatine masse, the Sweetened Condensed Milk (⅓ Cup or 100 g), the White Chocolate (¼ lbs or 100 g) and the Pistachio Paste (⅓ Cup or 75 g)
6. For the Pistachio Paste (⅓ Cup or 75 g): The recipes are HERE
Large Mixing Bowls, Stainless Steel
The syrup
7. In a saucepan, pour the Water (½ Cup or 100 g), the Sugar (⅔ Cup or 150 g) et the Glucose syrup (½ Cup or 150 g)
8. Cook until the temperature reaches 220 °F / 103 °C
Scanpan Saucepan
Glucose Syrup
KitchenAid Silicone Spatula Set
Digital Laser Infrared Thermometer
9. Pour the hot syrup onto the bowl
10. Mix well with a wire whip or a rubber spatula until everything is disolved
11. Mix with an immersion blender (sometimes called 'hand blender')
Polyglass Spatula
DeBuyer Whisk
Immersion Multi-Purpose Hand Blender
Immersion Hand Blender Bamix
How to Use
If you want to use right away
● Wait til the temperature reaches 80 °F / 25 °C
If you want to keep it for future use
● It's actually better if the glaze rests in the fridge for at least 24 hours (better texture and stability). When needed, melt the glaze in a double boiler, and use at a temperature between 80 °F / 25 °C and 85 °F / 30 °C
12. Between those 2 temperatures, the glaze can be poured onto a frozen entremets or cake
13. Your cake must be frozen before glazing ! otherwise it may melt
Round Cooling Rack
Nonstick Cooling Rack
That's it !