An easy and delicious homemade Salsa Verde for tacos and Mexican dishes
About this recipe
Mexican salsas can be used in a variety of Mexican dishes like Tacos

I found this recipe really simple, easy and so fast to fix, and still much tastier than the salsas I used to buy at the supermarket...

1. Tomatillos are a sort of tomatoes very popular in Mexico. They are easy to find in any local supermarket in the USA, well... at least in California where I live !
2. Tomatillos are also known as husk tomato, Mexican groundcherry, large-flowered tomatillo, or Mexican husk tomato. They have a husk that you need to discard before using
I cut a tomatillo : inside it looks less juicy than a tomatoe
3. Just place all ingredients into a blender: the Tomatillos (2), the Diced Chiles (½ Cup or 100 g), the Green Onion ('Scallion') (1), the Coriander leaves (cilantro) (2 tablespoons), the Sugar (½ teaspoon or 2 g), the Cumin (½ teaspoon), the Salt (½ teaspoon), the Pepper (1 pinch) and the Cider Vinegar (2 tablespoons)
4. Mix well for 1 to 2 minutes
That's it!
Thank to the vinegar, you can keep the salsa refrigerated a few days