A pie crust that is tasty and elastic, perfect to bake humid batters
About this recipe
The French pie crust is a type of dough very different from the shortcrusts that we already saw (like this one or this one)

The main difference is that it contains milk, and adding a liquid makes the dough more elastic

The dough is more elastic, and can hold big pies, and will bake better with humid filling than the shortcrust do
However, this dough also "retracts" while baking, and you cannot blind bake it

Source of the recipe
A recipe by a French Pastry star, Pierre Hermé, found in his book "Le Larousse des desserts"

To purchase the book online:
The recipe is on page 16

Here's the recipe video:
A few notes...
A few notes to succeed this recipe:
● No real difficulty : this dough is simple to make. Just make sure the butter is really soft before using it
● Make sure to spread the dough when finished, onto your work surface
● Storing the dough in the fridge before using it is highly recommended. The dough will "stabilize" while cooling down, and it will bake better
That's it!