A professional recipe of confit (jam), used in a lot of desserts
About this recipe
This is a recipe of a confit (jam) that we use in a lot of desserts
Professional chefs prefer making their own confits instead of buying jams : that way, you can customize the flavor and the confit thickness

Recipes that use this confit are HERE

1. You may use the berries that you want. You may use seasonal fruits that you will need to mix, or, as I did, use frozen fruit purées
2. Cook the Red berries puree (¾ Cup or 200 g) and the Raspberries (¾ Cup or 200 g), and mash the fruit
3. Separately, mix in a mixing bowl the Sugar (⅔ Cup or 150 g) and the Powdered Pectin NH (2 teaspoons or 8 g)
4. Mixing these 2 ingredients is important to avoid lumps when combined in the purée
Powder Apple Pectin
Premium Fruit Pectin Powder
6. Cook until the temperature reaches 160 °F / 70 °C
7. Starting 160 °F / 70 °C, pour in the mix Sugar / Powdered Pectin NH
8. Stir using a wire whip, until the mixture boils (will not thicken otherwise)
9. Cook another 5 minutes, or until you obtain the thickness you want
10. Transfer the confit into a clean bowl and wrap airtight
If the confit is too liquid
11. I had once a problem with a confit that stayed liquid after cooling down. This had to do with the brand of pectin that was not strong enough. By changing pectin brands, this solved the problem
That's it!