Lenôtre’s Swiss Meringue
About this recipe
This is an easy Meringue, the Swiss Meringue

Swiss Meringue is sort of "between" the French Meringue and the Italian Meringue

Swiss Meringue can be flamed for decoration, unlike French Meringue, and like Italian Meringue, but is definitely easier to make, and I find it creamier and more delicious !

Source of the recipe
I found this recipe in a great book, a classic that was written by Lenôtre in the 70s
This book became an instant hit in France, and since then, bakers are trying to acquire the last books on the second hand market. A great book from the pastry star Lenôtre, that contains fantastic recipes

To purchase the book online:
Faites votre pâtisserie comme Lenôtre
Some of these old books contain great recipes and techniques : That's the case of this book

The recipe is on page 33

1. For this recipe, you may use a stand mixer (like a Kitchen Aid appliance) with a whisk, or an electric beater
2. Pour into the mixing bowl of the stand mixer the Egg Whites (4) and the Sugar (1 Cup or 250 g)
The double boiler
3. Warm water in a saucepan, on medium heat
4. Place the bowl onto the saucepan with the cooking water
5. Make sure the water does NOT touch the bowl (it would cook instantly the whites)
Large Mixing Bowls, Stainless Steel
DeBuyer Whisk
6. Keep beating with a wire whip
7. The Egg Whites start to cook, keep beating
8. You need to check the temperature, while you are beating
9. As soon as the temperature reaches 125 °F / 50 °C, remove the bowl
Digital Laser Infrared Thermometer
Matfer Pocket Digital Thermometer
10. Beat at Maximum Speed
11. The Egg Whites becomes fluffy and increase in volume
12. After a few a few minutes, the bowl has cooled down
KitchenAid 7-Quart Stand Mixer
Hand Mixer
That's it !
You may use right away to decorate your desserts, and flame with a blowtorch (or, a hair dryer...)