One of the foundations of pastry, gelatin mass as used in the professional pastries
About this recipe
In home cooking, gelatin is often used by first softening it in cold water before incorporating it into a hot liquid.
This can slow down the preparation: you need to weigh the gelatin, add water, wait for it to soften, and then discard the excess water.
For professional pastry chefs, this process is too time-consuming. This is why they prefer using gelatin mass instead of regular gelatin.

Gelatin mass is "ready to use" and allows gelatin to be used like any other ingredient.
Although rare, some recipes mention the use of gelatin mass. I am sharing the method I use when working in a professional lab.

1. Pour the Water (1 ¾ Cup or 420 g) into a clean bowl, large enough to create some surface area
2. Pour a portion of the Powdered Gelatin in a thin layer
Unflavored Gelatine
6-Inch Stainless Steel Mixing Bowl
Stainless Steel Mixing Bowl
3. Do not pour everything at once, as the gelatin will have trouble dissolving.
4. Wait for the first layer of gelatin to dissolve
5. Here is the desired result: the gelatin is moistened. Do not stir
6. Pour another thin layer of Powdered Gelatin
7. Wait again for the gelatin to moisten. Under its weight, the gelatin will sink into the water volume
8. Repeat this process until all of the Powdered Gelatin is used
9. At this stage, you can mix with a small whisk
Double boiler
10. You will notice that, at this stage, the mass is grainy
11. Most recipes don’t mention this, but you need to use a double boiler: this allows the gelatin to completely melt
12. Place over a double boiler and briefly stir until no more "grains" are visible. The mass should be liquid and homogeneous
Scanpan Saucepan
Calphalon Nonstick Sauce Pan
13. Pour into a plastic or glass container that has been cleaned and dried
14. To avoid introducing foam or this whitish froth, I recommend pouring through a small strainer: it will eliminate these bubbles
OXO Mini Strainer
Pyrex Glass Bakeware
Glass Baking Dish with Lid
Pyrex 1.5qt Loaf Dish
15. Refrigerate and allow to set for at least 1 hour
16. Once cooled, the gelatin mass is easily removed
17. The gelatin mass is ready
18. I usually cut it into cubes so they can be used quickly when needed
How to use
19. To use, follow the quantities in your recipe if it specifies "Gelatin Mass"
20. If it specifies "Gelatin," multiply the weight by 7. For example: "2 g (0.07 oz ) of gelatin" equals "14 g (0.49 oz ) of gelatin mass"
That's it!
Can be stored a few days in the fridge, in an airtight container