Julia shows us an appetizing way of using mushrooms in a brown Madeira sauce, a traditional French recipe that is one of my favorites
About this recipe
A delicious dish that Julia says can be used with a piece of filet mignon, or with sautéed chicken livers, or another piece of meat

This dish is an old French style dish that you would find in traditional French restaurants, and it works beautifully at home for a nice diner

You may serve this mushrooms dish as a side dish, with meat, or even serve this as a main dish for a nice dinner !

Julia Child, we owe you respect
This is a recipe of Julia Child. I have a great respect for Julia, for the dedication to French Cuisine and her huge work to assemble the French recipes and techniques in her book
She acquired her knowledge while living in Paris and studying at the Cordon Bleu de Paris
Julia spent many years in Paris and discovered the French food, and while attending the Cordon Bleu, learned about French cuisine techniques.
When she moved back to the United States, Julia Child published her book "Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Vol.1", a masterpiece that is still a best seller that you still can find nowadays in all bookstores in the states. What an impressive undertaking !

In fact, the book was written with two French ladies, Simone Beck and Louisette Bertholle
These three ladies met in Paris and started an informal school "L'école des trois gourmandes" (The School of the Three Food Lovers). Whenever Julia appeared on television, she kept the same name on a sticker on her chest.
After writing her book, Julia appeared on American television in a series called "The French Chef"

I learned about Julia Child quite late : While living in Pasadena, I followed a couple classes at the Cordon Bleu in Pasadena, and the teachers mentioned Julia and her book (see HERE). Call it a Coincidence: Julia lived in Pasadena and studied at the Cordon Bleu (but the one in Paris)
I learned about Julia Child quite late : While I was studying classes at the Cordon Bleu in Pasadena, my teachers mentioned Julia and her book. Coincidence: Julia lived in Pasadena and studied at the Cordon Bleu (but that in Paris). Here's a photo of my mug with that house:
This house is not a museum but a private house
House of Julia Child
625 Magnolia Avenue
Pasadena, California

Julia in Paris
And when I visited Paris, (see HERE), I walked by by the place she had been living
House of Julia in Paris
81, rue de l'Université
75007 Paris

Le Film "Julie et Julia"
You probably saw the movie about Julia Child "Julie and Julia", starring Meryl Streep et Amy Adams
The movie shows Julia's life, including her days at the Cordon Bleu Paris
The movie tells the story when Meryl Streep (Julia Child) lives in Paris and then in the States

The house of Julia, in the movie, is not 'rue de l'université' as I told you earlier, the movie location was a bit further, and of course I had to see it as well, as I enjoyed very much the movie !
House of Julia (movie)
10, Rue de Seine
75006 Paris

The recipe is on page 515

To purchase the book online:
Mastering the Art of French Cooking, Vol.1
Modifications to the original recipe
● I use Olive Oil instead of "oil"
● I use 1 Shallot instead of "one tablespoon" that Julia mentions
● I thicken the sauce with Flour (1 teaspoon)

1. Slice the Button Mushrooms ( ½lbs or 227 g)
Non-Slip Cutting Boards
Sekiryu Santoku Japanese Knife
The Madeira Sauce
2. For the Madeira sauce, pour the the Madeira (⅓ Cup or 77 g) into a saucepan and boil it
3. Julia mentions that we want to boil it down until it has reduced by half (3 Tablespoons or 38.5 g).
However, as Madeiras are thicker in France, I think that you may want to reduce the liquid further until it has reduced to a third (2 Tablespoons or 25.6 g)
Scanpan Saucepan
Calphalon Nonstick Sauce Pan
4. Mince the Shallot (1)
5. In a skillet, melt the Butter (2 tablespoons) and the Olive Oil (1 tablespoon), then add the Shallot (1)
6. Sauté the Button Mushrooms ( ½lbs or 227 g)
7. Stir to brown the mushrooms
Cast Iron Shallow Casserole Le Creuset
Saute Pan Scanpan
8. Once the Madeira (⅓ Cup or 77 g) has reduced, add the Brown Sauce (1 Cup or 270 g) and cook on low heat
9. Julia's brown sauce recipe : Julia's recipe is HERE
10. An easier recipe : Julia mentions that if you don't have a brown sauce, you can always take a chicken stock thickened with one tablespoon ofcornstarch, to mix in a blender, which will thicken while it cooks
The Brown Sauce
11. Stir this liquid in the sautéed Button Mushrooms ( ½lbs or 227 g) and simmer a moment
Optionally: thickening the sauce
12. To thicken the sauce (something that Julia doesn't do by the way), mix a bit of the juice from the saucepan with Flour (1 teaspoon), in a Cup Food Chopper, then transfer to the saucepan and cook : the sauce thickens...
13. The dish is ready to be served...
That's it!